All aboard for murder in Sebastian Japrisot’s The Sleeping-Car Murders (1962)

This is my latest foray into translated crime fiction, trying out an author new to me. The Sleeping-Car Murders (1962) was also adapted for film three years after it was published. Within a couple of pages we have our first corpse, that of divorcee Georgette Thomas, who is found strangled, oddly enough in a sleeping car of a train, which has just pulled into Paris. Corpses on trains was already a well-established trope in mystery fiction by this point, from Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express (1934) and The Mystery of the Blue Train (1928), to Josephine Tey’s The Singing Sands (1952), Miles Burton’s Death in a Tunnel (1936), M. M. Kaye’s Death in Berlin (1955) and Todd Downings’ Murder on Tour (1933). Though in fact I think Japrisot owes a debt to a completely different Christie novels. Hopefully those who have already read this book will know which Christie book I am referring to.

What I think makes Japrisot’s novel stand out though, is the fact that the train passengers are not separate compartments and the murdered woman is found within a compartment which held 5 other berths. It is assumed that her death took place soon after the train arrived in Paris and that one of the other five passengers did the deed. Though the police investigation, run by Grazzi also looks into the life of Georgette, given the number of lovers she had. However, once the names of the other passengers comes available the narrative switches its attention to them for a time and in fact our first impressions of the victim come from one of these passengers, Rene Cabourg. Japrisot adopts a narrative style which is reminiscent of stream of consciousness and free indirect discourse which means we quickly get into the minds of the characters, especially the other train passengers. Cabourg has conflicting emotions towards Georgette, having been attracted to her yet rebuffed. Amid a clear case of man flu he offers information to the police, yet conceals an argument he has from her. With such an unusual narrative style the reader soon begins to wonder how reliable our narrators are. I didn’t hugely take to Cabourg. Yet this is not a big issue for one good reason. Within pages of meeting him he too dies, a bullet to the neck and he is gone, an incident the reader knows about much earlier than the police.

However, the police have more than enough to contend with, as other passengers they have tracked down also begin to die off, after being initially interviewed. Are they being silenced? There is also the issue of the mysterious passenger over which there seems to be much confusion. Was it a man or a woman? The passengers while they are still alive are often not very forthcoming with information. But we soon realise this is not due to criminal secrets but due to embarrassment, wanting to avoid revealing too much of themselves and their secret shames – a psychological component which strengthens the novel. As the bodies come thick and fast two of the remaining passengers attempt to solve the case themselves – an element which only emerges in the final third of the novel and in my opinion is the weakest element, as this part of the story does have some pacing issues.

I enjoyed how we received information via the suspects’ thoughts as well as via police interviews. The former often helped to maintain pace until the final third where suspect thoughts slowed things down. One of the surprises in the solution I saw coming, but another one definitely took me completely by the surprise. In some ways it felt quite realistic, but on the other hand I think the reader could have been more prepared for the motivations behind the crimes. My biggest niggle though is with the ending of the novel, which rather irked me, taking abruptness to a whole new level. However on a more positive I enjoyed the opening of the book a lot. We know to expect a body but Japrisot still manages to make it feel like a surprise, inserting a blunt line informing us of the body, immediately after a train employee’s reverie over his last stay in Nice.

The narrative style is definitely one of the things which makes this book striking. I have already commented on some of its features already, but in the beginning I noticed that in the opening pages of the story there was a negation of names. Characters are referred to by gender or job title. Something like this could easily become confusing, yet this is not the case here and instead gives a sense of anonymity to the characters involved, all the while still making them feel distinctive. In a way it was quite nice to not be immediately bombarded by a lot of character names in the opening chapter. I did also notice a negation of speech marks in the first part of the book. Not sure if this was an intentional part of the narrative style or not, as such punctuation does appear later in the book. The sense of time in this tale is also quite flexible when it comes to the passengers’ thoughts, as their thoughts often flow between past and present events. I think this worked quite well, though it certainly keeps you on your toes! So all in all I think this was a good read, entertaining and making a change from my usual GAD reads.

Rating: 4/5



  1. Thanks for the review, and I’ll be keeping an eye out for this title as it sounds interesting. 🙂 I don’t think it’s out on my local Amazon store – did you receive an advance copy? To your list of murders on the train, I would add Todd Downing’s atmospheric ‘Vultures in the Sky’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • As far as I am aware this book hasn’t been recently reprinted. Mine is just a second hand copy, though I am surprised no kindle version has been made yet. Funny you should mention that Downing title as I have a copy coming in the post for me.


      • I would be interested to hear your take on ‘Vultures in the Sky’, since you liked ‘Murder on a Tour’. I wasn’t sure I was especially enamoured by the puzzle in ‘Vultures’, but I suspect you would consider it fairer than that of ‘Tour’ – but it was certainly an atmospheric and well-written novel.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah I’m looking forward to reading too, as I haven’t read anything by Downing for a while and I like his choice of settings. My copy is coming from America (which is so often the case) so I think I have a while to wait yet until it arrives.


  2. It popped up on the shelves of my local used bookstore, and I snatched it up . . . over a year ago. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to pick it up off the TBR pile, even though I know how inspired it was by “you know what” by Christie! I’ll get to it one of these days. Meanwhile, thanks for you review!

    Liked by 1 person

    • haha well hopefully we are thinking of the same “you know what” by Christie. I was only reminded of this title by Christie, once I got to the solution and therefore the surprise wasn’t ruined. Not sure what it would be like to read the book with such foreknowledge.


  3. I have read the book and also seen the film. I found it good and suspenseful though as you mention, there is a pacing issue in the final third of the book. However, this is not an issue in the film which is fast paced from beginning to end.

    The character of Sandrine is omitted in the film. The culprits are apprehended before the attempt to kill Bambi. Jean-Loup escapes in a car and there is a car chase at the end. His car is stalled and blocked. He comes out and commits suicide by shooting himself.
    The beginning of the film is also different. It starts with the arrival of the train at Avignon where Bambi gets in. Her encounters with Daniel in the toilet and Daniel’s surreptitious entering of the compartment and sleeping on the top berth are shown at the beginning, whereas in the book these incidents are mentioned much later.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hmm seems like they have focused much more on Bambi and Daniel’s role in the film, which is not necessarily a bad thing as it probably makes their role in the plot much less rushed. Glad you enjoyed this one.


  4. Sebastian Japrisot wrote one of my all-time favourite books in any genre: A Very Long Engagement. But when I have tried his other books I have been underwhelmed – Engagement is a mystery, but not true crime book, more of a straight novel. It’s early 90s I think -much later than this one. I would certainly pick this one up and give it a try if it comes my way…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the review – and more than 2 years later, I finally procured my own copy, and read it over the weekend. 🤓

    I think the noir threw me off, and much of the narrative made me think the writer was going for grittiness and despair, and that the solution wasn’t going to be fairly clued.

    I still think the solution wasn’t especially clued, but it was only as the solution unfolded that I realised it was much more of a “puzzle” mystery than I initially assumed. The central misdirection, I thought, worked really well – considering how familiar I am with the Christie novel in question.

    And so it turned out to be a much cleverer read than I thought it would be. Thanks for the recommendation! 😁


    I presume the Christie novel in question is that famous one pertaining to who, of the many victims, is the primarily victim? And not another of her novels involving culprits of a certain profession?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would love to answer your question with any certainty, but I honestly can remember practically nothing about this book. Though I’m sure you’re probably right.
      But anyways I am glad you enjoyed this book.


  6. Like Kate and several others, I found the book engaging and quite good in spite of some dissatisfaction with the ending. The latter came a bit too much out of the blue.


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