Murder on the Christmas Express (2022) by Alexandra Benedict

I don’t succumb to buying books based on their covers very often, but this was one of those occasions. The cover suggested a vintage-feeling train mystery, something classic, something even a bit cosy. The title is a blatant riff on the Christie classic as are parts of the blurb:

‘Eighteen passengers. Seven stops. One killer. In the early hours of Christmas Eve, the sleeper train to the Highlands is derailed, along with the festive plans of its travellers. With the train stuck in snow in the middle of nowhere, a killer stalks its carriages, picking off passengers one by one. Those who sleep on the sleeper train may never wake again. Can former Met detective Roz Parker find the killer before they kill again?’

The end papers were pleasing aesthetically with a map of the train in a blueprint style and there is the mention at the start of the book of an additional puzzle and quiz. I was poorly, well more poorly than usual and I wanted a comforting easy read, with some classic crime vibes. This book seemed to tick those boxes. It is just unfortunate that the blurb and the cover really don’t match the actual story…

I was disabused of vintage-y vibes from page one when we are thrust into a very modern milieu in terms of cast, with an Instagram celebrity rushing out of a train carriage after another dispute with her reality tv celeb boyfriend. Emotions are high as Meg realises the argument was filmed and is now trending on social media, and she reads through the online comments. She prepares (in this prologue) to reveal all on her Instagram account (whilst of course mentioning all the makeup sponsors she has) but dies before she can complete doing so.


I am not one for watching Love Island, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here or Made in Chelsea. Reality TV and its outlets on social media such as Tik Tok and Instagram are just not my cup of tea, so a book which hinges upon such a milieu is not going to easily draw me in. In fact, it had the opposite effect of repelling me. If this element of the book had been more apparent on the cover or in the blurb, then I could have happily skipped it by.

I wonder if the book is aimed at a younger audience, well younger than me anyways, the very trendy cast made me feel more like 91 than 31. One of the biggest weaknesses I found with the novel was its writing style, which lacked freshness and was cluttered with stale cliches, which given that they are cliches to do with make up and fame obsessed characters, made this a duller read for me. Furthermore, the cast as a whole are fairly depressing, and this made me think of Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express where we have characters with troubles, yet they don’t produce a depressing effect on the reader. I definitely think there is a knack to writing about people’s problems and I don’t feel this author has quite honed it yet. Other cliches in the narrative include Roz, the recently retired police officer who will go on to solve the multiple murders. Unsurprisingly she has a troubled past and a fractured relationship with her daughter. Furthermore, the third chapter is the first of the sections which includes “the killer’s thoughts” on what is going on. In this first example, which has jumped back in time before the murder is committed, it is all about their anticipation of their crime. Yet it was all flat and predictable and these sections continued to not add to the reading experience. I came to the conclusion that the writing style reminded me of fill in the gap exercises where the material is so familiar that you can with little attention finish off sentences or ideas.

One character takes a copy of Murder on the Orient Express with them to read and there is snow and a tree on the line, which prevents further travel, and all of this is traditional crime fiction fodder, yet these jar with the people in the book and events such as someone vomiting through their hands all over the place and on to other people’s clothes. I think this book is intended to be a quicker read or at least action paced – but I found I was sufficiently disenchanted with the plot, that I didn’t feel like it was going quick enough. I found myself reading it faster less to find out what happened and more to get it over with.  

The puzzle plot does have some interesting aspects such as the choice of victim for the second death, as it encourages you to question what you thought you knew. However, the third is disappointingly old hat. The younger immature characters persuade everyone that they don’t all want to stick together (“I want my freedom!” “There’s a killer on the loose” “We don’t care”) and of course everyone splits up and of course someone dies… Well of course they were going to and all because of some characters who are just acting like spoilt brats. It felt like the victim was wilfully trying to get themselves murdered.

Little is elicited from the early interviews Roz conducts and I found the book dragged. She has a police contact who sends her info on the passengers, but this is withheld from us at one crucial point, meaning significant evidence is found off the page and only unveiled in the final solution. Meg’s means of death is undisputedly a clever one, but unfortunately it largely comes out of nowhere and how Roz reaches that conclusion is dissatisfying, although not as dissatisfying as the final solution for the whole case. It is overly convoluted with new information given to the reader at the last minute. It is unnecessarily complicated – it is an ending which needed its final half lopping off, which may have made it less “twisty” but would have made for a bigger impact. As such it is just too overfilled and I felt the book was trying to do too much and therefore not doing each separate bit very well. I go into more details about the ending in the spoiler section below.

I do realise though that I am in the minority on this one, as I have seen lots of positive reviews online.

Rating: 3/5

SPOILER – This section is in ROT CODE 13 so only read it if you already know the ending of the story.

N xrl cneg bs gur fbyhgvba vf gung gur jbzna jub vagraqrq gb zheqre Tenag qrpvqrf gb gnxr gur enc sbe guvf xvyyvat, qrfcvgr nabgure jbzna univat qbar gur qrrq, naq sbe gur shegure zheqre gur erny xvyyre pbzzvgf. Zhygvcyr punenpgref nccebir bs guvf pbhefr bs npgvba naq nvq naq norg vg, vapyhqvat Ebm. Gur engvbanyr sebz gur punenpgref vf gung gur npghny xvyyre vf n lbhatre jbzna jub unf ure jubyr yvsr nurnq bs, fb fur fubhyq trg gb tb serr, nf gur ivpgvz unq encrq obgu jbzra naq qrfreirq gb qvr, fvapr gur pheerag yrtny flfgrz qbrf abg fhccbeg encr ivpgvzf rssrpgviryl rabhtu. V nterr gung zber arrqf gb or qbar gb uryc encr ivpgvzf. Gung vf abg va qvfchgr. Ohg jung V qb qvfnterr jvgu vf gur nccnerag fbyhgvba gb gur ceboyrz gur punenpgref pbzr hc, va cnegvphyne vgf rzorqqrq ntrvfz. Gur “byqre” jbzna vf zvqqyr ntrq, pregnvayl lbhatre guna Ebm, fb fur unf n ybg bs gvzr nurnq bs ure fgvyy. Gur yvsr bs gur lbhatre jbzna vf abg nal zber inyvq be inyhnoyr fvzcyl orpnhfr fur vf lbhat. Fur pbhyq trg eha bire ol n ohf gur sbyybjvat qnl be fcraq gur erfg bs ure fvggvat ba gur fbsn qbvat abguvat zber jbegujuvyr guna rngvat pnxr. V qba’g frr jul fur fubhyq trg n serr cnff, jura rira Ebm zragnyyl pbapyhqrf gung gur lbhatre jbzna znl abg unir yrneag gur evtug yvsr yrffba sebz ure xvyyvat fcerr. Unf fur whfg yrneag gung fur pbhyq erzbir gebhoyr ol xvyyvat vg? Shegurezber, gur aneengvir gevrf gb chg n cbfvgvir fcva ba gur fvghngvba gung gur byqre jbzna (jub ernyyl vfa’g gung byq) vf qbvat fbzrguvat aboyr naq qrfreivat bs tybel, ohg guvf vf whfg abafrafr. Obgu jbzra haqbhogrqyl arrq uryc, ohg V qba’g frr ubj guvf raqvat snpvyvgngrf gung naq V nz hafher jung zrffntr jr ner zrnag gb gnxr njnl sebz gur qrabhrzrag. Guebhtubhg gur obbx naq cnegvphyneyl va gur svany puncgref jr trg n ybg bs urnil unaqrq qvfphffvba bs encr naq gur snvyher bs gur pheerag flfgrz gb trg whfgvpr sbe encr ivpgvzf. V guvax gur jnl Ebm unaqyrf gur whfgvpr natyr bs gur fgbel, creuncf gelvat gb znxr nabgure yvax jvgu Puevfgvr’f snzbhf genva zlfgrel, haqrezvarf guvf qvfphffvba.


    • Thank you! I had my pneumonia vaccine on Monday so I am now trying to get over that lol Unusually it rather knocked me for six this time.
      The gap between cover/blurb and story is unfortunate in this case, as the cover/blurb suggest a rather different story.


  1. I had similar hopes for this one! But found it somewhat disappointing, especially due to the ending and solution. No spoilers here but the topic didn’t seem right, exactly, for a holiday story – in fact it seemed the setting was entirely superfluous.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad I am not the only one who didn’t get on with the book, as on Instagram it seemed to be more enjoyed. Crime fiction can carry overarching or weightier themes, but the danger is that it overrides the rest of the plot and a lot of careful handling has to be done to ensure it doesn’t. Unfortunately, I think this is not entirely managed here and in particular causes quite a problematic ending.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, and please can we have a modern mystery with a sleuth who doesn’t have some sort of life trauma to deal with as well as the mystery? Reading a few modern books at the mo and getting very tired of this trope already…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am diving back into the classics currently, given my recent foray into modern crime fiction over December. You seem to get on much better with modern mysteries. The past trauma trope is unfortunately something which is well established in modern mysteries, yet often it is used in quite a perfunctory manner.


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