The Layton Court Mystery (1925) by Anthony Berkeley

Today’s review is a re-read for me, having first read it a couple of years ago. This was Berkeley’s first novel and I feel the dedication he includes to his father at the beginning is quite interesting in the aims it outlines. Firstly there is a stress on things being fair play in the story and looking back on the book I think he definitely achieves this. Another key issue for Berkeley is creating a fallible sleuth, disliking their antonym:

‘I have tried to make the gentleman who eventually solves the mystery behave as nearly as possible as he might be expected to do in real life. That is to say, he is very far removed from a sphinx and he does make a mistake or two occasionally. I have never believed very much in those hawk-eyed, tight-lipped gentry, who pursue their silent and inexorable way straight to the heart of things without ever once overbalancing or turning aside after false goals…’

For those reading who aren’t familiar with the plot, it involves Roger Sheringham, (Berkeley’s serial amateur sleuth), and his friend, Alexander Grierson, staying at Layton Court, which is being rented by their wealthy host Victor Stanworth. Things seem to be going well as Alexander becomes engaged to another guest, Barbara. Yet this state of bliss does not last long when one morning, Barbara breaks the engagement for no reason and then later on Victor is found shot dead in his library; the windows and door locked on the inside. To nearly everyone this is a puzzling but clear case of suicide. Of course Roger does not agree and so begins a frantic day and a half of sleuthing and ferreting out the truth, going down a number of wrong investigative avenues in the process.

Overall Thoughts

Although this book has its unconventional aspects, playing around with the Watson figure and at times being a send up of the country house murder mystery, especially in terms of its clues, I think the structure of the book is less creative. It is heavily reliant on elongated discussions or monologues between Roger and his friend. Interaction with the other household members is much more limited. Whilst two characters can bear the weight of a full novel, when done well, I’m not so sure it is used as effectively here. It lacked a bit of sparkle and was a bit mundane in parts. The narrative definitely picks up once Roger thinks he has sussed the how of the crime and moves onto the who and the why. I think in later and more successful novels by Berkeley he avoids using such a similar structure. After all extended theorising by an amateur sleuth is always a risky narrative choice in my opinion and is quite an issue in Robin Forsythe’s mystery novels. However puzzle focused mystery fans will probably not find this structural choice much of an issue, as it does play into the fair play aspect of the story.

Having criticised Berkeley’s first effort, lets turn to the positives. It may not a perfect first novel, but it does give the reader a taste of the heights Berkeley would later reach in his writing career, revealing his ability to drop bombshells at the end of chapters and generally make the reader’s jaw drop. It also shows his playful handling of the “rules” and of societal conventions and morality. Equally it has the amusing insult of, ‘sponge-headed parrot.’

Whilst in some of Roger’s cases he is quite unbearable, in this one he is not so and there is much humour at his expense. Even in the first pages it is shown that his deductions are not all what they are cracked up to be. Berkeley does write a first class fallible sleuth.

So not perfect, but still an enjoyable mystery in the classic mould.

Rating: 4/5

Vintage Mystery Scavenger Hunt Item (Gold Card): Chandelier


  1. Thanks for the review. 🙂 I’m fast running out of good novels by Anthony Berkeley – I still have ‘Jumping Jenny’ on my shelf, and have yet to acquire ‘Second Shot’. Looks like ‘Layton Court Mystery’ would be worth reading too!

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  2. […] The Layton Court Mystery (1925) – This is Berkeley’s first attempt at a mystery novel, which I think shows. Prolonged discussions and monologues between Roger Sheringham and his Watson companion take up most of the narrative, which did make the story a bit dull at times. Extended sleuth theorising is not a popular structural choice with me. In fairness to Berkeley I think this is a structural choice that he moves away from and avoided in his more successful novels. However, this book holds several positives and foreshadows the promises of Berkeley’s later efforts. From this first novel we can see Berkeley’s panache for surprising the reader and turning things upside down, as well as his interest in playing around with established genre tropes and very often writing send ups of them – in this case of the country house murder mystery. Roger Sheringham has yet to reach the heights of unbearableness that he achieves in The Silk Stocking Murders and the reader can have much fun at his expense as he gets things wrong. Click here for a post I wrote, which examines the character of Roger Sheringham in more detail and in reference to what Berkeley said of him. […]


  3. Recently finished this, my first time trying Berkeley. I liked the idea of a fallible sleuth who heads down wrong paths and has to backtrack but didn’t find the interactions between Sheringham and his Watson very entertaining, and those make up most of the book. For a first effort it wasn’t bad.

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    • Sheringham is not the easiest sleuth to warm up to, as the author went out of his way to intentionally make him annoying. However, in his 1930s cases I would say this is toned down and Sheringham is less over confident and arrogant. Berkeley also experimented a lot so some books work better than others. I have a ranking of the ones that I have read on my blog. The Poisoned Chocolates Case is an interesting one as it really explores the nature of clues and how they are open to multiple solutions. The Piccadilly Murder is a favourite of mine, but that one has not been reprinted unfortunately. Jumping Jenny and Murder in the Basement both have and I enjoyed them a lot too. Death in the House is one to avoid.


      • I did find some good instances of humor in the book (just not so much in the exchanges of Sheringham and his friend) and I enjoyed the ending so I do intend to try a more highly regarded Berkeley. I’ve heard of The Poisoned Chocolates Case but right now Kindle has it available only as an audiobook, which isn’t my thing. They do have Murder in the Basement, Jumping Jenny, and The Wintringham Mystery to read along with a couple of others.

        I was very taken aback by the remark about Sheringham detesting Jews more than he detests anything else. That was definitely a “Whoa!” moment.

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          • After reading that I was curious and did look up the author. Thought it interesting that his last book was apparently published in 1939 or 1942 (sources vary) and he never wrote another after the second world war, even though he lived until 1971.

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