Meet a Miss Marple in Training in Ianthe Jerrold’s Let Him Lie (1940)

Source: Review Copy

Earlier this year I reviewed the first of a pair of novels Jerrold wrote, called The Studio Crime (1929), featuring her amateur, slightly larger than life detective, John Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed this and it won my August Book of the Month. Let Him Lie (1940), written over a decade later though was actually published under another name that of Geraldine Bridgman. This time there is no outlandish amateur sleuth, but instead a young woman who happens to be on the scene and intentionally and unintentionally finds out information which solves the case. However, in no way does she see herself as playing detective and the advantage of her role in the story is that her part comes across as very natural and I think out of the characters in the novel she is the ideal one to guide the reader through the tale. This change of main character is suggested by Curtis Evans in the introduction as an attempt for more realism. Although die hard Golden Age fans do not need to worry as the novel comfortably fits within the niche of the country house murder and even includes a map.

Let Him Lie

But who is this anonymous woman? Her name is Jeanie Halliday and she has newly acquired Yew Tree cottage, though it seems more repairs are needed than was first envisaged. But on the plus side her old school teacher, Agnes Molyneux lives nearby and an advantageous marriage means she resides at Cleedons Manor. However this is not the case and Jeanie comes to regret her hasty decision to move here. Agnes has changed since the school days when they bonded through their bereavements, Jeanie her parents, Agnes her younger sister. She is now aloof, distant and distinctly selfish.

The first death of the book is not that of a human but of a kitten. However, this death is soon overlooked when Agnes husband, Robert is murdered, literally shot out of a tree. What makes this a good mystery is that suspicion is spread widely but plausibly over a range of characters, which begins by the fact so many people were conveniently placed to do the crime. For example there is the mother of Robert’s niece Sarah called Mrs Peel who was wandering in a nearby lane with a revolver and the intention of taking her child back. There was Mr Fone, an amateur enthusiast in the history of Ancient Britain, taking a rest in the gun room in the tower which looks onto the orchard. Added to this he had recently sent a threatening letter to Robert about the latter’s plans to open up Grim’s Grave (an act Fone thinks will unleash a curse). Peter Johnson, Robert’s ex-secretary after having been sacked was also in the surrounding area and even Agnes is unable to give a reasonable alibi. As the book develops other characters equally take their turn as prime suspect in the readers’, Jeanie’s and Superintendent Finister’s mind.

Returning to the title of my post, when reading this book I did feel there was a strong affinity between the character of Jeanie and Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple, especially in that their investigations intentional or not are fuelled by dialogue and conversation. Both are quick at making connections and are magnets for confidences:

‘Jeanie knew a sudden fear that Miss Dasent was about to repose in her a confidence which they would both probably afterwards regret.’

Furthermore, especially in comparison to the other characters (who demonstrate the petulant and selfish nature of badly behaved children), Jeanie is mature beyond her years, understanding the motivations behind people’s actions and words, almost instinctively. Other characters come to her for reassurance, particularly when they have done something questionable. In addition I liked how she does not accept meekly the bad behaviour or hypocritical actions of the other characters and she often says what she thinks. She does not pander to the hysterical behaviour of others such as Peter:

‘She did not care for melodrama in real life, and Mr. Peter Johnson struck her as unnecessarily histrionic in his behaviour.’

Although Jeanie does not go about doing a proper investigation, the narrative does not lose focus and through her natural everyday activities, Jeanie comes across important information and other characters acting suspiciously such as Sarah and even Agnes, who increasingly becomes the nastiest person in the book as she obsesses over herself and avoids all responsibility for events. I enjoyed the ending of the novel which although slightly predictable was wonderfully executed and exciting to read, with tension and drama levels expertly racked up. The solution to the case is a good one and reminded me of a line from the Miss Marple story Nemesis (1971), ‘Nemesis is long delayed sometimes, but it comes in the end.’ Moreover, although I could work out parts of the solution, the name of the killer completely alluded me until the end, which is the way I like it. The killer is well hidden because I think the parts of the solution which are easy to guess could apply to several characters and therefore does not single any one person out.

Jeanie is a wonderful lead for Let Him Lie and does not become entangled into a romance subplot. Consequently I think her character becomes more developed and rounded and not on the whole being resided to the role of typical fictional heroine. In regards to gender and the role of women I found the discussion Jeanie has with Miss Willis an interesting one. They debate whether it is better to be a married or single woman, with the conclusion being that it is a question of who you want to be dependent on. Yourself or a man? Which is the most risky option? And the female characters in the book all opt for one way or the other, with differing and sometimes deadly results. But the strong characterisation does not just rest with Jeanie and I thought Jerrold’s depiction of an Asian gentleman, Mr Agatos, was sensitively done as he was not stereotypically represented and is linguistically amusing and adept, as evinced at the inquest. In addition, Jerrold’s characters are also great because although they may seem to be from the list of stock characters (and overall wouldn’t be out of place in Miss Marple’s St Mary Mead), in Jerrold’s hands they are able to be more than their types and have surprising angles to them. Therefore this is definitely a book I would recommend.

Rating: 4.25/5

See also:


  1. I just finished reading this one too – review next week. I hadn’t thought of Jeanie as a “Miss Marple in training,” and I rather like the image! But I DO wish that otherwise-intelligent heroines would curb their apparently irresistable impulses to go off by themselves to isolated places and without telling friends and meditate on the killer’s name… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m very glad to see that ‘Let Him Lie’ is garnering good reviews. 🙂 ‘Dead Man’s Quarry’ is meant to be her best novel – and so I think you have a treat ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    • On further reflection I have wondered about Mr Agatos in that although he is not presented stereotypically Asian or ‘Oriental,’ which is the word Jerrold uses, I am wondering whether instead she has just turned him into a slightly quirky English gentleman type. Looking forward to reading There May Be Danger. Out of these two non-John Christmas books which is your favourite?


  3. […] Curtis Evans intelligently speculates whether this novel was written around the same time as Let Him Lie (1940), due to the WW2 setting and got rejected, to then be published later after the war finished. […]


  4. I’ve just completed ‘Let Him Lie’, and I think ‘Dead Man’s Quarry’ remains the superior work. And so if you liked ‘Let Him Lie’, I think you would derive much enjoyment from ‘Dead Man’s Quarry’ – at least, in terms of the puzzle.

    Like you I was pleased with Jeanie as a ‘wonderful lead’, but I’m not so sure that she escapes ‘entangle[ment] into a romance subplot’… Though of course the romance rarely detracts from the central mystery, and is presented with a surprising degree of coyness/ ambiguity.

    I think what grated on me slightly – and I think I’m discerning a pattern in my own reading practices and taste – was the histrionic quality to some of the characters and their dialogue. There were quite a few neurotic women who spoke and acted in ways that Jeanie (understandably) found irritating, which meant that a number of conversations in the first half of the novel came across as jumpy and strange. I enjoyed the mounting tension in the last third of the novel, though yes, I cannot comprehend as to why Jeanie simply retreated into her cottage on her own after declaring that she had finally discovered the identity of the culprit…!

    P.S. Excited to see what you make of Robin Forsythe’s first novel…:D

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have a copy of Dead Man’s Quarry now, so I will be reviewing that at some point and the reason why I felt Jeanie escaped the romance subplot by and large (especially in comparison to female characters in other GA author’s work such as Heyer’s and even some of Christie’s), was that ultimately at the end of the book she is still a free, independent woman and I’m not so sure she will go on to have a relationship with Peter. Also I think the other annoying female characters in the book such as Agnes, made me enjoy and appreciate the sanity and sensibleness of Jeanie all the more, but I can see where you are coming from. Also agree that when people discover who a killer is, they really shouldn’t advertise this information nor go off by themselves!


  5. […] Finally in reviewing the country house mysteries from the 1930s I had read, I noticed that they had more to say about the social issue of gender roles and the role of women in particular, something which did not come across in The Sunken Sailor (though given that it is a parody this is probably not that surprising). Examples of such works from the 1930s which quickly sprang to mind were The Noose (1930) by Philip Macdonald, Winifred Peck’s The Warrielaw Jewel (1933) and Ianthe Jerrold’s Dead Man’s Quarry (1930) and Let Him Lie (1940). […]


  6. […] In terms of its actual mystery, I would this story also scores very highly, as it has a good pace and the primary death keeps you engaged. The use of a fire is an interesting one. It is not unheard of in mystery fiction, but invariably I have found it to be a murder method which is not usually adopted for the primary deaths, but is more used by a panicked murderer trying to kill off people who know too much, such as in Lady Audley’s Secret (1862) and Ianthe Jerrold’s Let Him Lie (1940). […]


  7. […] Let Him Lie (1940) is a standalone mystery by Ianthe Jerrold and it fits within the country house murder mystery mould. Jeanie Halliday is an engaging and quite naturalistic amateur sleuth. In many ways I felt she was a young Miss Marple in training, and I liked how there was no romance subplot for her to get embroiled in. The ending is an exciting one too, with the tension increasingly ramped up.   […]


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